One of the most wonderful aspects about being in the collectible doll industry, is learning the story behind every doll. And, just like every doll has a story, every collector has their story as well.
Sandy Coward is an absolutely charming doll collector we met on the Ashton-Drake Galleries Facebook page. She took some time to share some of her story with us.
Ashton-Drake: What drew you into doll collecting?
Sandy Coward: I first got into collecting around the year 2003. My grandchildren introduced me to doll babies and gave me a catalog. I was hooked. In 2005, I found an Ashton-Drake Galleries Tiny Miracles baby at a flea market and it stole my heart… I didn’t know much about Ashton-Drake back then, but I started getting the little cards in magazines and after a couple years I just couldn’t stand it anymore! I wanted another one! I went online and saw Sandy Faber’s Welcome To The World newborn baby girl doll, and I had to have her. I wasn’t disappointed when I saw her little head full of dark hair and realized she looks a lot like my eldest daughter when she was born. That was July of 2016. She was followed by Little Grace, then Charlie and then Peanut.
AD: Who have you shared your hobby with?
Coward: I am so proud of my Ashton-Drake Galleries babies! I’ve shared them with everyone I know. As soon as I got Welcome To The World, I took her to church with me. She was a big hit and everyone went crazy over her. I call her Loucritia Rose after my mother and one of my grandmothers. Loucritia is my favorite doll and I take her places with me a lot.
AD: Are your dolls meant for display or play?
Coward: I don’t just leave Loucritia on a shelf. I love to dress her and take pictures of her and all my babies and share them online. Everyone thinks Loucritia Rose is real at first. I had a hilarious incident one evening at McDonald’s. I took her in and I laid her on the table so I could check Facebook. I kind of had my arms resting on her when three police officers walked in. They kept staring at us real funny and started talking back and forth amongst each other. I got up and went to the restroom and told my husband who was at next table to keep an eye on Loucritia for me. When I came back, everyone at McDonald’s was laughing and looking at me! While I was gone one of the officers had come back to the table to check on her and realized she was a doll! We all got a good laugh out of that! He just laughed and shook his head at me!
AD: What’s next on your Ashton-Drake wishlist?
Coward: My next Ashton-Drake on my wish list is 25th Anniversary Pretty In Pink! I don’t know if I can still get her or not. She is so beautiful and actually looks like pictures of myself as a baby.
Thanks for your continued support, Sandy!